NFT Collectables - The Future of Independent Filmmaking?
Blockchain Technology continues to advance. With the current boom in NFT’s, is there a way the Independent Filmmakers can use this tech to help fund their future projects?
Free Falling
How often have you made an excuse to not do something you wanted which could aid your career? These excuses are fear, a fear of the unknown and it is holding you back. It is time to push past that fear. Jump and you will realise that there is nothing to be afraid of. You may also discover a world where anything is possible.
The Creative Tightrope
Balancing your creative life while keeping every other aspect in your life afloat, including a solid income may feel like you are constantly on a tightrope. Keeping balance is key. We will look at some strategies to stop us feeling frustrated and helpless.
Picking for Perfection
We spend so much time seeking this imperfect word called perfection. Yet all we are doing is sitting safely in our comfort zone. Taking a chance might mean embarrassment and admitting you actually failed, however the act of failure will ultimately be your biggest success as you learn and grow in ways you never would if you were sitting back picking for perfection.
Feeding the Beast
Satisfying the hunger of your passions is half the battle. It is important to understand how to give it the right foods for a long and fruitful career . Otherwise you will starve to death and become another one of the majority, who used to chase their dreams before they gave up and settled on a more financially stable career.